As part of my work at Recurse Center recently, I wrote an extremely naive DPLL SAT solver in Racket and used it to encode an automatic Sudoku solver. Using that code as a guide, here’s an attempt at some longer-form exposition on the very basics of propositional logic and automated logical reasoning.
A SAT solver, or a satisfiability solver, is a program that automatically solves for the satisfiability of a formula in propositional logic. Let’s go over the definitions of these terms, starting from the last one and moving backwards.
Propositional logic is a logic that consists only of logical statements built up from boolean variables and your standard logical connectives: conjunction (and), disjunction (or), implication (implies), biconditional (if and only if), and negation (not). A boolean variable can either be true or false. There are certainly more technical definitions, but this should serve our purposes here.
A formula is simply some logical statement.
The satisfiability of a formula is the problem of determining whether there is an assignment to all the free variables in a formula (also called an interpretation) such that the formula is true. If there is, the formula is satisfiable (or SAT, in some lingo). If there isn’t, the formula is unsatisfiable (or UNSAT). Such an assignment—one that makes the formula evaluate to true—is called a model.
Something very nice about propositional logic is that the satisfiability of formulae in it is decidable. Decidability essentially means: there exists some algorithm (i.e. a mechanical procedure) that always terminates and always gives back a correct answer.
This is pretty exciting—it means that we can solve the satisfiability problem for propositional logic automatically, without needing to resort to human ingenuity. This is also what makes SAT solvers possible, from a theoretical perspective.
SAT solvers, in this sense, just implement some algorithm that decides the satisfiability of a propositional logic formula. The algorithm that most (if not all) modern SAT solvers are built on is named DPLL, after its cited inventors: Martin Davis, Hilary Putnam, George Logemann, and Donald Loveland. DPLL operates only on propositional logic formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF).
Conjunctive normal form is a conjunction of clauses, each of which are a series of disjunctions. To make it a bit more concrete, here’s the structure of a formula in CNF:
$$(A_1 \lor A_2 \lor \ldots) \land (B_1 \lor B_2 \lor \ldots) \land (C_1 \lor C_2 \lor \ldots) \land \ldots$$
DPLL is a fairly simple algorithm at heart—we’ll try and give a taste of it, in naive form.
DPLL is a backtracking search algorithm—at its core, it guesses an assignment, propagates that assignment throughout the formula, guesses another assignment, and so on. If it ever hits a conflict, it backtracks to a previous stage before the conflict. Then it will make another best effort guess, and continue as before.
That said, DPLL has a bit of cleverness up its sleeve in the form of something called boolean constraint propagation (BCP), which is based on unit resolution. The idea behind unit resolution is simple: if there is a unit clause—a clause that only has one literal in it—then we must assign the Boolean value that makes the literal in the unit clause true. This is called an implied assignment.
BCP is just a fancy/concise name for the act of applying unit resolution repeatedly, as much as possible.
Besides BCP, DPLL is basically just a brute-force search algorithm. Whenever we can’t apply BCP, we take some free variable in the formula, assign it an arbitrary Boolean value, and then see what happens (backtracking when we hit a conflict). Here is the algorithm, at a high level, in ML-like pseudocode:
1 | let rec DPLL F = let F' = BCP F in if F' = SAT then true else if F' = UNSAT then false else let P = CHOOSE_FREE_VAR F' in (DPLL (F' where P is true)) || (DPLL (F' where P is false)) |
There are a couple quick rules we can use to propagate an assignment (regardless of whether it’s implied—meaning that it results from unit resolution—or decided—meaning that it is a best-effort guess). They are:
There are two corresponding rules for determining if the end result of DPLL, implemented using the propagation rules above, is UNSAT or SAT. They are:
Take a bit to think about why all these rules are true and how the first two relate to the second two. Also, here is some Racket code that implements the UNSAT/SAT determination described.
1 | ;; If all clauses have been removed, we have SAT |
Now, here’s a bit of Racket code that implements both the propagation logic and the overall BCP step of DPLL. Note that there are some differences from the pseudocode given earlier, primarily because we want to save our assignments. It’s nice to get a constructive satisfying assignment when a formula is satisfiable—for example, it will let us get an actual solution to a Sudoku puzzle (as opposed to simply saying whether the puzzle can be solved).
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The last piece we need is a way to choose a free variable to decide an assignment for, when we finish using BCP. This corresponds to the CHOOSE_FREE_VAR
function in our ML-like pseudocode earlier. The simplest way to do this is just to choose the first free variable in the first clause of our formula. There are more elaborate and efficient ways to make this choice—in fact, making smart choices here can lead to big speedups in SAT solving!—but this simple choice will do for now.
1 | ;; choose-unassigned-var naively takes the first variable in the CNF. |
Now, we can put it all together! Here’s the Racket code for the DPLL function, using all the functions we’ve built up so far:
1 | (define (dpll cnf) |
Something relatively simple and cool we can do with a SAT solver is use it automatically solve Sudoku puzzles. Is this particularly useful in practice? Not necessarily. But it’s definitely fun to see the solver in action! At least I think so.
We won’t go over the details of the encoding here (an exercise for the reader!), but here are the high-level ideas and some starter code. We need to encode the following rules of Sudoku as propositional logic formulae in CNF form:
As a hint for the at most once constraint, think about pairwise comparisons. For example, let $A_i$ be a Boolean variable representing the statement “The number $1$ is placed in (row $0$, column $i$) of the Sudoku board.” To encode the fact that the number $1$ can appear at most once in row $0$, we can represent it as a conjunction of disjunctions of all possible pairs in the row:
$$(\lnot A_1 \lor \lnot A_2) \land (\lnot A_1 \lor \lnot A_3) \land (\lnot A_1 \lor \lnot A_4) \ldots$$
Another potential difficulty is figuring out how to map logical statements like “the number $1$ is placed in (row $0$, column $5$) of the Sudoku board” to variables in our SAT solver, given that our variables are currently just represented by positive integers. There are various approaches to this (one might be to just have some hashmap that we maintain), but here’s a clever-ish way to use arithmetic to get an encoding between specific guesses (logical statements) and variables (in our case, positive integers).
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For further reading, there are a couple books that often get recommended (at least at the time of writing). Go crazy! Read them! They are: